Wallflower General Bad Habits That Increase Your Risk For Heart Disease: Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY

Bad Habits That Increase Your Risk For Heart Disease: Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY

Heart disease remains a leading cause of death globally, as per the World Health Organization. Dr Arun Arora While genetic predisposition plays a role in heart health, lifestyle choices significantly impact your vulnerability to heart disease. Bad habits can sneak into our day-to-day routines without us realizing their potential harm. Let’s shed some light on the most common harmful habits that increase your risk for heart disease and suggest ways on how to avoid them.


No surprise here! Smoking is a top offender. Whether occasional or regular, smoking damages the heart and blood vessels, leading to heart disease.

The Healthier Choice: Cease smoking completely. Even cutting down can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

Overeating And Poor Diet Choices

Dr Arun Arora Consistently eating large quantities of food, especially when it’s high in sugar, fat, and sodium, leads to high cholesterol and high blood pressure, two heart disease triggers.

The Healthier Choice: Eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can keep your heart ticking along nicely. Portion control is equally important.

Physical Inactivity

Lack of physical activity weakens your heart and can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes – all of which raise your risk for heart disease.

The Healthier Choice: Undertake the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, says Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY. Simple activities such as gardening, cycling, or walking are great choices.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can elevate your blood pressure and heart rate, and contribute to weight gain, all of which can raise your risk for heart disease.

The Healthier Choice: Stick to moderate drinking habits – up to one drink per day for women and two for men.

Poor Sleep Habits

Sleep disorders and lack of enough rest can spike your blood pressure and heart rate. Long-term sleep deficiency has been associated with an increased risk for heart disease.

The Healthier Choice: Try to get seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night. Good sleep hygiene practices, like regular sleep and wake times, a quiet room, and no electronics before bed, can help achieve this.

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