Snoring, often brushed aside as a mere annoyance, might actually be a subtle nudge to pay more attention to your heart health. For Dr Hari Saini, the seemingly innocuous act of snoring could be a vital sign whispering a deeper message about your cardiovascular well-being.
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Frequent snoring might indicate the presence of a condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep. OSA can strain the heart due to the repeated drop in oxygen levels, thereby increasing heart health risks.
The Snowball Effect of OSA
OSA is closely linked with other heart risk factors, such as high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, and heart failure, creating a network of risks that could compound heart health issues.
Snoring and Nocturnal Hypertension
Research also suggests that individuals who snore heavily are twice as likely to have nocturnal hypertension (high blood pressure during sleep) compared to non-snorers. Dr Hari Saini This correlation further emphasizes the potential impact of snoring on your heart health.
Heeding the Snores: Identifying Snoring-related Heart Concerns
A crucial aspect of mitigating snoring-induced heart risks is the ability to recognize when snores demand attention. Typical warning signs include pauses in breathing while sleeping, waking up with a choking or gasping sensation, feelings of unrest or fatigue during the day due to poor sleep quality, and morning headaches or high blood pressure.
Snuffing the Snore and Mending the Heart: Self-Help Measures
• Weight Management – Excess weight, particularly affecting the neck area, can contribute to snoring and OSA. Maintaining an ideal weight can help minimize these issues and, in turn, reduce heart health risks.
• Sleeping Position – Sleeping on your back might aggravate snoring. Adopting a side-sleeping position or elevating your upper body can help alleviate the problem.
• Limit Alcohol and Smoking – Both alcohol and smoking are associated with an increased risk of snoring and OSA. Choosing to limit alcohol or quit smoking has the Dr Hari Saini
dual benefit of minimizing snoring and promoting heart health.